

Updates to Part L - Are you ready?

Updates to Part L - Are you ready?

Updates to Part L - Are you ready?

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Industry News

Craig Degnan

The first major update in 8 years of the Building Regulations Approved Document Part L will be enforced from 15th June 2022 and will apply to dwellings and non-domestic buildings. The regulations introduce significant improvements in energy efficiency standards and carbon reduction, and alongside the new Approved Document Part O -Overheating aim to deliver the interim step towards the new Future Building & Future Homes Standards in 2025.

Key changes include:

  • 27 to 31% carbon reduction over current regulations

  • Compliance Requirements for primary energy, CO2, fabric efficiency standards

  • Minimum standard for fabric & services

  • A significantly lower carbon factor and significant compliance advantages using heat pumps

  • Improved general services standards

  • Thermal bridging - removal of Accredited Construction Details (ACD’s)

  • Heating systems must be designed for 55oC

  • 100% air testing is required in dwellings

  • Planners can set higher standards than Building Regulations

  • Energy modelling / benchmarking mandatory for non-domestic buildings over 1000m2

The transitional arrangements will last for one year, but are on a building-by-building basis (not site by site). So watch out anyone involved on large residential developments!

Key changes include:

  • 27 to 31% carbon reduction over current regulations

  • Compliance Requirements for primary energy, CO2, fabric efficiency standards

  • Minimum standard for fabric & services

  • A significantly lower carbon factor and significant compliance advantages using heat pumps

  • Improved general services standards

  • Thermal bridging - removal of Accredited Construction Details (ACD’s)

  • Heating systems must be designed for 55oC

  • 100% air testing is required in dwellings

  • Planners can set higher standards than Building Regulations

  • Energy modelling / benchmarking mandatory for non-domestic buildings over 1000m2

The transitional arrangements will last for one year, but are on a building-by-building basis (not site by site). So watch out anyone involved on large residential developments!

Key changes include:

  • 27 to 31% carbon reduction over current regulations

  • Compliance Requirements for primary energy, CO2, fabric efficiency standards

  • Minimum standard for fabric & services

  • A significantly lower carbon factor and significant compliance advantages using heat pumps

  • Improved general services standards

  • Thermal bridging - removal of Accredited Construction Details (ACD’s)

  • Heating systems must be designed for 55oC

  • 100% air testing is required in dwellings

  • Planners can set higher standards than Building Regulations

  • Energy modelling / benchmarking mandatory for non-domestic buildings over 1000m2

The transitional arrangements will last for one year, but are on a building-by-building basis (not site by site). So watch out anyone involved on large residential developments!

About Clark Degnan

As Chartered Engineers, we have more than 40 years experience in design and construction, and have a wide range of experience in commercial, industrial, healthcare and residential sectors.

Our open and collaborative approach to building design allows us to work closely with architects to develop integrated, highly efficient and sustainable solutions

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About Clark Degnan

As Chartered Engineers, we have more than 40 years experience in design and construction, and have a wide range of experience in commercial, industrial, healthcare and residential sectors.

Our open and collaborative approach to building design allows us to work closely with architects to develop integrated, highly efficient and sustainable solutions

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Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved. Clark Degnan Limited. Company Registration: 09761849

About Clark Degnan

As Chartered Engineers, we have more than 40 years experience in design and construction, and have a wide range of experience in commercial, industrial, healthcare and residential sectors.

Our open and collaborative approach to building design allows us to work closely with architects to develop integrated, highly efficient and sustainable solutions

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Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved. Clark Degnan Limited. Company Registration: 09761849